Welcome to a world of original watercolors - Watercolors inspired by the beauty and significance of life in Minnesota and beyond -

Judy Cline – Watercolor Artist

It's summertime - wet, lush, and everything is growing like wildflowers! That includes my sweet flock of grandchildren! These 3 charmers aged two and under are providing new and inspiring subject matter for a few recent paintings. And I'm so aware of the passing of time - and generations, new and now gone. I feel a special fondness for grandparents, including my grandpa Jesse (pictured here) who was an auctioneer. Time goes ... be sure to embrace these precious moments, as well as the folks who are dearest to you!
I hope you have fun exploring my watercolor galleries. Many pieces you will see here are available for sale. You can click on any painting to learn more about that piece, its price, etc!

THANK YOU for visiting my website!